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Portfolio. Research Projects in eXtended reality

XTREME: a 'Horizon Europe' Reseach Project

Bolt Virtual have been awarded a new Horizon Europe Research and Innovation Project under the topic “Next Generation eXtended Reality”. The Project, which started in January 2024, is implemented by a consortium of 14 partners from 9 EU countries that include 5 European Universities, enterprises in the mixed reality sector and relevant public institutions, and is lead by the IT University of Copenhagen. Xtreme will develop a human-centered mixed reality (MR) solution that, instead of requiring the participant to be physically present in the venue, brings concerts and art performances to a remote location via MR technology while retaining the immersive experience and giving additional dimensions to it by integrating real and virtual contents. Our solution will allow for virtually shared, realistic experience together with selected social circles of the user, and is implemented for the Apple Vision Pro.

For more information visit

BRIDGES : a 'Horizon 2020' Reseach Project
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BRIDGES (A hyBRID (physical-diGital) multi-user Extended reality platform as a stimulus for industry uptake of interactive technologieS) project proposes to bring a holistic solution to the market for (remote and co-located) group interaction in room-scale immersive eXtended Reality (XR) environments that blend the physical and virtual space. 


The BRIDGES solution is based on the existing platform Immersive DeckⓇ, which was further researched and developed into a turn-key, flexible and scalable product that can find applications in different industries.


The project carried out extensive and comprehensive research focusing on the areas of industrial training and informal learning/edutainment with the real world settings. Bolt Virtual created the virtual reality multisensory experience “A Day in an Athenian House” of the 5th century BC which was installed at the Foundation of Hellenic World, while the Project also created virtual reality firefighters’ training at the international Airports of Athens and Berlin.


For more information visit

Bridges - Multi-user extended reality platform | Try the XR experience!

Bridges - Multi-user extended reality platform | Try the XR experience!


Living Monuments is an XR software Project implemented with the main goal to promote the Greek cultural heritage, modern culture and tourism products through the digitization and display in virtual reality environment of three cultural monuments of Greece: Ancient Aigai and the palace of Philip, Ancient Delphi and the Temple of Apollo as well as the walls and City of Byzantine Thessaloniki.

Living Monuments VR

Living Monuments VR

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Delfi Flythrough

Aiges Flythrough

Thessaloniki Flythrough

Film Cluster
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The object of the Project is the creation of a Film Cluster Toolset - FCT, through which all stakeholders and businesses will be able to have access to specialized knowledge and tools related to modern forms of audiovisual material production. The partnership acquired know-how on the integration of cutting edge technologies in the production of audiovisual material and allowed the training of human resources in new ideas, practices and methodologies, focusing - among others - on Virtual Museums applications. The Project was co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund and is administered by the General Secretariat for Research and Innovation.

EU Projects

The company has implemented a number of other research Projects, including:


(α) under two separate Erasmus+ Projects we have worked on VR simulation applications with remote multiplayer capabilities from various EU countries 

(β) A VR experience under the EU LIFE project “LIFE GRECABAT - Greek Caves and Bats: Management Actions and Change of Attitude” where we have created an immersive experience simulating the discovery of unexplored caves by speleologists